วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555

prepositional verbs

Commonly Used Prepositional Verbs
Account for We must account for all the information in our report.
Accuse (someone) of The teacher accused Michael of cheating on the test.
Adapt to We have adapted to living in the U.S.
Add to added to 5 equals 11. The new requirement has added to my worries about paying for my education.
Agree on We agreed on an answer for the problem
Agree to We agreed to the solution for the problem.
Agree with agree with your answer for the problem.
Apologize for something He apologized for his rude behavior.
Apologize to someone He apologized to his friends for his rude behavior.
Apply for She is applying for Georgia State University. She applied for a teaching assistantship.
Approve of The teacher approved of his plan for his research paper.
Argue with someone Michael argued with his teacher about his grade.
Argue about something argued politely with Michael about his ideas on the economy.
Arrive at We arrived at the test center on time.
They arrived at the same solution for the problem.
Ask for We asked for more time on the test.
Become of What became of Michael? Have you seen him lately? I haven't seen him for a long time.
Believe in He believes in his solution for the problem.
Belong to She belongs to a tennis club.
Blame someone/something for something He blames his poor English for his grade on the test.
The citizens blame the government for the economic problems.
Blame something on someone He blamed his grade on his English.
The police blamed the explosion on a separatist group.
Borrow from borrowed some paper from my roommate.
Shakespeare borrowed his plots from other writers.
Care about I really care about the environment.
Care for don't care for his attitude--I don't like it at all.
He is caring for his elderly parents.
Catch up with Run faster--we have to catch up with the rest of the group.
caught up with the homework last weekend.
Come from He comes from Egypt.
Comment on The teacher commented on the effect of the election on the economy.
Communicate about something He communicated with his teacher about his grade.
Communicate with someone He communicated with his teacher about his grade.
Compare with Please compare Clinton's presidency with Reagan's.
He compared the food in the cafeteria with his mother's cooking.
Complain about The students complained about the food in the cafeteria.
Compliment someone on something The teacher complimented Maria on the good work she did on the examination.
Congratulate someone on something The teacher congratulated all the students on their final reports.
Concentrate on I want to concentrate on my major.
Consent to My advisor consented to my plan.
Consist of Grammar consists of syntax, morphology, semantics, and phonology.
Water consists of hydrogen, oxygen, and a few other elements.
Convince someone of something Michael convinced his teacher of the correctness of his answer on the test. He convinced his teacher to change his grade.
Decide between I have to decide between coffee and tea to go with my lunch.
He decided between the U.S. and Australia as the place to study English.
Decide on Michael decided on biology as his major.
Depend on depend on my family for money.
(Dis)approve of Mary approves of my plan. Michael disapproves of my ideas.
Dream about He dreams about being a doctor.
Dream of He dreams of Maria.
He dreams of being a doctor.
Excuse someone for something She excused him for being rude.
Explain something to someone She explained her ideas about the project to the teacher.
Get along with He gets along well with many different people.
Get back from We just got back from Egypt.
Get rid of I need to get rid of my old car.
Get through with I'll get through with school in late May.
Get used to can't get used to American food.
Happen to What happened to Michael? He seems sad.
What happened to the oranges that I put in the refrigerator? They're not there.
Have confidence in Our teacher has confidence in our dedication to study.
Have influence on His father had a lot of influence on his major.
Have an opportunity for have an opportunity for getting a scholarship.
have an opportunity to get a scholarship.
Have patience with The teacher has patience with us.
Have a reason for You must have a good reason for your answer on the math test.
Hear about I heard about the lecture from Michael.
Hear from I just got an email from Michael--I hear from him everyday.
Hear of Have you ever heard of a music group called "Echelon"? They seem to be popular in France.
Insist on The teacher insists on our being on time to class.
Introduce someone to something/someone Mary introduced her grammar teacher to Michael.
Invite someone to Mary invited her grammar class to the lecture.
Keep for someone Michael will be out of town for the summer. Mary willkeep his cat for him while he is gone.
Keep away from someone I don't like John's attitude. I want to keep away from him.
Keep on To learn English, you must keep on studying. You can't stop after a few months.
Laugh about Mary and Michael laughed about the article in the newspaper.
Laugh at They laughed at the silly joke.
Learn about learned about his problems from his mother.
Listen for John and Mary are supposed to get home at 5:00 P.M. Their mother is listening for their car.
Listen to We listened to the new CD.
listened to the teacher's lecture.
Look at Please look at my answer to this problem.
Look for looked for information on the Web.
Look forward to am looking forward to my visit to Egypt.
Michael looked forward to visiting his family.
Object to object to your tone.
They objected to having a test on the last day of class.
Participate in All the students participated in the discussion.
Pay for He paid for our lunch.
We paid $120 for our textbooks.
Plan on Michael planned on studying in the U.S
We're planning on going to the movie tonight.
Prefer to prefer tea to coffee.
He prefers English to chemistry.
Prepare for Mary is preparing for TOEFL.
Prevent from Her poor Spanish prevented her from getting the job in Peru.
Provide for His family provides for his tuition.
Provide someone with something provided Michael with information for his report.
Recover from She was very sick. But, she's recovering from her illness rapidly.
Refer to He referred to the Internet in his report.
Relate to Michael related the economic decline to oil prices.
Rely on rely on my family for money.
We relied on the Internet for our research papers.
Remind someone of Michael reminds me of my brother.
Search for I searched for information about water pollution.
See about We need to see about buying our textbooks for the semester.
Send for We sent for some books from home about the history of our country.
Separate something from something Separate the yolk from the white of the egg.
Separate the truth from fiction.
Show up at We didn't invite him--he just showed up at the party.
Spend money on something/someone He spends a lot of money on his girlfriend.
Stop from His teacher wants him to stop from answering all the questions in class.
Substitute for Margarine can substitute for butter.
Mary will substitute for Michael next week--she can teach his class for him.
Subtract from The company will subtract the cost of insurance fromyour salary.
His bad temper substracts from his other good qualities.
Succeed at Mary will succeed at any task she attempts.
want to succeed at this new job.
Succeed in He succeeded in passing the test.
She succeeded in her ambition to be a teacher.
Take advantage of Let's go to the store right now. I want to take advantage of the sale.
He's not a very good person. He will take advantage ofhis friends to make money.
Talk about Let's talk about your problem.
Talk over We talked over the possible answers.
Talk to talked to my teacher about my test grade.
Talk with Mary talked with Michael about this temper.
Thank someone for something Michael thanked Mary for her advice.
Think about The students thought about their answers to the math problem. They considered all the possible answers.
Think of They thought of several new ways to do the problem. They developed several new methods.
Throw away They cleaned their apartment and threw away two sacks of old newspapers.
Vote for We voted for the president of the student government.
Wait for Michael was late for the meeting, and Mary waited for him for thirty minutes.
Waste money on something/someone My brother wasted a lot of money on a very old car.
He wasted time and energy on that car, too.
Wish for He wished for a new car.
Work for Michael works for a computer company.
Worry about Mary worries about her grades.
Michael worries about money.

